What Does It Mean To Thrive?

mindset Jan 25, 2016


To THRIVE means to live your life to its full potential, essentially its living your life to YOUR full potential. It's grabbing life by the balls! It's going after what you want by not allowing things to get in the way. Of course, doing this in a way that is congruent with who you are, what you want and in line with your purpose whilst considering the people around you. I'm not talking about adult tantrums where we just take what we want because we want to, and it doesn't matter who we bulldoze to get it. That is not at all what I mean by thriving. It's living the life you want, but not at the expense of someone or something else.

Now there are a few simple principles or truths in life that we understand to some degree, but unfortunately most of us only understand at an intellectual level instead of an insightful one. One such truth is that time on this Earth is a limited commodity. We do not get time back, we do not know how much time we have and there is a 'time's up' for everybody. These are some fairly simple, but hard hitting truths and yet most of us live our life wishing it away every day in varying forms such as, "I'll be happy when..." or "I'll wait for..." or "I couldn't possibly do that because..." Now logically, none of these statements make any sense when we go by the simple fact that our time on this Earth is limited, but why do so many of us waste the time we have?

I know there are thousands of reasons we use and they may even seem reasonable, such as "I don't have the time." Or "I have no control over what happens." Or "I don't know where to start." And so on and so on and so on. The difference between someone who thrives in life and someone who doesn't is based on 1 key thing: UNDERSTANDING. Those who thrive insightfully understand what it means to live and those of us who do not are living in a misunderstanding with huge implications attached to it.

Three questions to ask yourself are:

1) Do I experience well-being and peace of mind on a regular basis?

2) Do I create and direct my life in a clear and positive way?

3) Do I connect and engage in healthy relationships with others and myself?

If your answer is 'No' to any of the questions, then my guess is that life is not fully thriving for you yet, but the good news is that it can and just by understanding 2 simple aspects:

1) How we operate universally as humans - Inside-Out nature

2) How we individually connect to the world around us - Our Purpose

These two areas are very simple, but do not underestimate the profound power they have within our life.

When we have an insightful understanding about these two aspects are life begins to naturally transform giving us more:

• Well-being and peace of mind

• Clarity and direction

• Connected and healthy relationships

When these are present, the foundation is set allowing for everything else to flow from it with much greater ease and clarity allowing our life to THRIVE!

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